Sarabi – Agouti Siberian Husky

Sarabi is ready for her forever home. 

Here are photos of our Agouti Siberian Husky puppy, Sarabi. You can see pictures of her when she was a few days old to the most recent pics. We hope you enjoy these cute puppy pictures.

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I have the traditional Siberian Husky energy.

I enjoy wrestling with my siblings. This is my favorite pastime when I am outdoors. When I am indoors, I enjoy thrashing and chewing on the toys. I prefer plush toys at the moment. Especially with the squeaker.

I love being with other dogs. I tend to follow them around. Especially my siblings.

When I sleep, I enjoy sleeping under chairs or in a corner. Italy, the breeder, always knows she will find me there.

I am getting used to the grooming sessions. I am the easiest when it comes to bathing within my litter. I will stand there and patiently wait for you to finish scrubbing me. I believe baths are overrated. For the blow dryer, I will move around. However, in the end, I come to release I can not escape this torture. So I sit there.

I am a friendly, alert, gentle, active, agile, playful, curious, and kind puppy.

  • We have been breeding the mother’s bloodlines for a year. This is Tiana’s first litter. We have been breeding the father’s bloodlines since 2006. :) As of today, there are no significant health issues.

  • These pups are from 6th-generation Husky Palace bloodlines, which have shown healthy, great temperaments, and beautiful babies for 19 years.

  • Within this litter bloodline, 13 dogs have OFA exams. The following is a breakdown of the exams.

  • Hips: 11 family members with OFA Hip exams (Excellent, Good & Fair; no signs of hip dysplasia). This includes the father, uncle, grandfather, cousins, great-aunts, great-great-great-aunt, and great-great-great-grandparents.

  • Eyes: 7 family members with OFA Eyes exam (Normal; no signs of eye issues). This includes a cousin, great-aunts, great-great-great-grandfather, and great-great-great-aunt.

  • We are expected for this litter to be 55-60 lbs full-grown.