Neutering a male eliminates the possibility of testicular tumors and greatly reduces the chance of prostate problems. Neutering decreases the incidence of perianal tumors and hernias, which are commonly observed in older, unaltered males. Neutered males are less likely to try to escape a yard to find a female in season. This reduces the likelihood of them being hit by cars, getting into fights or lost. (Neutering is no substitute for a securely fenced yard, however). In addition, neutered males tend to get along with other males more than unaltered males.
Females spayed greatly reduce their chance of mammary tumors, ovarian cancer, and uterine infection (all of which can be fatal and costly to treat). A spayed female eliminates the neighborhood stray males from camping out on your lawn trying to get at your female when she comes into “heat.” Giving birth to a litter can be dangerous to your female. Some breeds have a high rate of cesarean sections, which are expensive and can be risky.

Unwanted litters
Do you know that a single male and female and their offspring can produce thousands of offspring in six years? Think, a female can have a litter as young as six months and then have one every four months after that. Each litter can have an average of six offspring and each female offspring will be able to breed at about six months of age, the math can be mind-boggling! A male dog can impregnate as many females as he can get to in a day. Sit down and really play around with numbers… It gives me a headache… And just because a puppy is cute, does not mean it will find a home. Every year, tens of thousands of dogs and puppies, purebred and crosses are euthanized in shelters. More die on the streets or live shortened lives of neglect, abuse, and horrors.
Risks Associated With Breeding
Let’s look at some risks associated with breeding. There can be serious risks involved with breeding. The mother may develop complications and require immediate medical intervention. Mothers may abandon puppies leaving you to hand rear. This includes feeding a special formula every two hours, round the clock, stimulating the puppies to eliminate, maintaining proper temperatures and humidity, etc. Even puppies whose mother cares for them may require supplemental feedings. Puppies can be stillborn or deformed. Are you prepared to deal with things such as cleft palate, hydrocephaly, or other problems some breeds may be prone to? Diseases such as Parvovirus can kill puppies fast if one does not act quickly enough. Are you willing to risk the life of your pet?
Cost of Spaying or Neutering
The cost of spaying and neutering is far less than you would spend getting a litter of puppies all their shots. It is less than paying for surgery for testicular tumors or treating a uterine infection. The cost of neutering is far less than having to patch up your male who tried to cross a busy street to get at an unspayed female. I have known males to try and cross six-lane highways! Spaying or neutering costs less than cleaning your carpets, because your dog is marking his territory or your female, is spotted on your beige rug. In addition, many counties offer discounts on spay/neuter procedures or even free to approved residents.
The average cost to spay/neuter a Siberian Husky is $364*
The average cost to spay/neuter a Doberman Pinscher is $621.75.*
This is based on the costs of our vet and the vets of pups in their forever homes.
At what age should I Neuter/Spay my dog?
Based on my research and vet’s recommendations, from 6 months and above. One should not spay/neuter a dog before 6 months old. Since too early neutering/spay can cause hip dysplasia, and joint issues, and/or stop them from growing. In addition, behavioral issues. Such as phobias, fear aggression, and reactivity.
For our Siberian Huskies, starting at 6 months old based on the consensus of veterinarians. We recommend it at 8 months old.
For our Doberman Pinschers, starting at 12 months old based on the consensus of veterinarians. We recommend it at 12 months old.
I hope I have given you something to think about. Just because a pet is purebred or cute does not mean it should be bred. Your dog can compete in almost all canine sports if spayed or neutered: obedience, agility, herding, tracking, field trials, and terrier trials.
Thanks to “West Wind Dog Training” for the great information on the Benefits of Spaying & Neutering!