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Husky Palace’s Tokyo Queen of Japan’s Information:

Weight: 50 lbs

Height: 20 1/2 inches

Type of Coat: Plush

Color: Black/white

Eye Color: Parti-eye


  • Alert
  • Active
  • Affectionate
  • Agile
  • Friendly
  • Intelligent
  • Gentle
  • Playful

Health Exams:

  • Checked by the vet: Healthy
  • OFA Eye Exam: Normal (no signs of eye issues)
  • Within her bloodlines, we found 1 other dog with OFA Exams. The following is the breakdown of those exams:
    • Hips: 1 member with Hip OFA Exam (Good; no signs of hip dysplasia)
    • Elbow: 1 member with Elbow OFA Exam (Normal; no signs of elbow dysplasia)

Fun Facts:

  • She grew up with one of our doggie in Anderson, SC named Everest. :)
  • Award: The Laidback of The Pack

The requirement to buy a puppy from us is having knowledge about the breed, filled out the questionnaire, and also read the pages under the Resources tab of “Before Buying a Puppy from Us”.

Q: Are you a commercial dog breeder?

A: No, we are not commercial breeders and refuse to become one. In order to become a commercial breeder, you must have at least 30 breeding dogs. Being a commercial breeder is just a “fancier” way of being a puppy mill. These breeders will be checked once by the animal control every year. Commercial breeders are establishments of large-scale facilities where dogs are confined in extremely small kennels with little to no exercise or positive human contact. The purpose of a commercial breeder (puppy mill) is to sell the pups for profit through retail pet stores or/and brokers. We will never have more than 10 breeding dogs nor sell our puppies to pet stores or brokers.

Check out Save Them All to learn about how the dogs and puppies are found at these commercial breeder/puppy mills/LLC.


“My dog thinks I’m a catch.” – Unknown