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Kashtin’s Information:

Weight: 70 lbs

Height: 22 inches

Type of Coat: Plush

Color: Grey/white (dark)

Eye Color: Blue

About Kashtin:

I have less energy than a traditional Siberian Husky. I have always been this way. I will play for a while with other doggies. When playing, I enjoy wrestling. Playing tag is not fun for me. Never has been. Let’s talk about treats, I LOVE any treats. I will sit for them. I am eagerly waiting to devour it. What can I say, I am a foodie. Food Is GREAT! My favorite is the meat flavor. 💛 I also enjoy being petted. However, this is the second-best thing in life. Remember, I am a food girly! I enjoy head scratches and kisses. When I meet new people, I start my mini howl. I howl for a second and jump around. I enjoy meeting the mailmen. I am at the gate greeting them. I am house trained, crate trained, know not to jump on people, walk well on a leash, “vamoanos”, and will sit for treats. Oh, I have met other Huskies, Dobermans, a Labrador, and Alaskan Klee Kais. I get along with all of them. Overall I am friendly, alert, gentle, intelligent, outgoing, joyful, lively, confident, obedient, fearless, curious, calm, kind, gentle, and trusting. I hope a family picks me. 😊 In the meantime, I will enjoy my retirement at Husky Palace.

Health Exams:

  • Checked by the vet: Healthy

  • Family Members (4 health exams):

      • Hips: 2 family relatives with OFA Hip exam (Good).
      • Eyes: 2 family relatives with OFA Eyes exam (Normal).

Fun Facts:

  • Award: Always Wagging Her Tail

  • Her favorite type of bed is any plush bed :)

  • LOVES meeting new people. She howls when she sees new people. :)

  • Reason for Rehoming: She is a retired doggie.


The requirement to buy a puppy from us is having knowledge about the breed, filled out the questionnaire, and also read the pages under the Resources tab of “Before Buying a Puppy from Us”.

Q: Can I change the pup’s name?

A: Of course you can change the pup’s name. The reason we name them is that we do not want to be calling them #1 or red female come over here. We try to call them by the names we give them to the minimum so they won’t get used to it. If you placed a processing fee/deposit on your new furmember and already have a name for her/him let us know! So we may start calling them by their real name. Hopefully by the time you pick the puppy up she/he is used to it.


“Happiness is a warm puppy.” – Charles Shultz