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Zena’s Information:

Weight: 55 lbs

Height: 21 inches

Type of Coat: Wooly

Color: Gray/white

Eye Color: Blue



Fun Facts:

Parents of Zena:

Great Great Grandparents of Zena:

To obtain references, reviews, photos of the puppies in their new homes and much more please visit our Instagram. Click on the social media logo above!

The requirement to buy a puppy from us is having knowledge about the breed, filled out the questionnaire, and also read the pages under the Resources tab of “Before Buying a Puppy from Us”.

Q: Why is there a fee and an application for Full AKC Registration?

A: Breeding dogs is not for everyone.
First, the person must know the breed very well. Thus owning or owned a Siberian Husky/Doberman Pinscher before or has done extensive research on the breed.

Second, for the people who are planning to breed more than 5 dogs, this must be your only job. You can not have a full time or part-time job. Breeding requires all your time. Most of the times you will not be able to go to family reunions or vacations since you have to take care of the puppies and dogs.

Third, you must be economically stable. You must always have money for any emergency. You have to have money to feed and provide all your dogs and puppies with their shots. Thus if you barely have money to take care of one puppy/dog how do you think you will have money for more than 1 dog and their puppies?


“Dog just needs you and love, that’s all.”