• Weight: 65 lbs

  • Height: 23 1/2 inches

  • Type Of Coat: Wooly

  • Color: Brown/white (copper)

  • Color of Eyes: Blue


  • Checked by the vet: Healthy

  • OFA Hip Exam: Good (no signs of hip dysplasia)

  • Within his bloodlines, we have found 5 dogs with OFA exams. Below is the breakdown of those exams:

    • Eyes: 4 family members with OFA Eye Exam (Normal). This includes the grandparents and aunts.
    • Patella: 1 family member with OFA Patella Exam (Normal). This is an aunt.
    • Cardiac: 1 family member with OFA Patella Exam (Normal). This is an aunt.


  • Award: Aunt’s Favorite Doggie

  • We have been breeding his bloodlines since 2006.

  • Training: House trained and crate trained.

  • Average weight for his puppies: 51.47 lbs


I have the traditional Husky energy. I come from Rojo’s bloodlines. His bloodlines do not decrease in activity as they grow. For instance, my grandfather, Rojo, is 12 and acts like a 3-year-old. :) I expect the same. Young forever.

I love playing with the other doggies. This is my favorite pastime. I am an alpha with males. So if you have males, they will need to be submissive. With females, I love them. I am a lady’s man. 💚

When walking on a leash, I tend to pull a lot. Oh, and I do not like collars. Never had. I need a harness. :) Besides this, I tend to listen well.

I have been introduced to children and get along with them.

I am friendly, alert, gentle (besides the walking on a leash), intelligent, spoiled, outgoing, active, agile, joyful, affectionate, lively, confident, fearless, playful, kind, and trusting,


The requirement to buy a puppy from us is having knowledge about the breed and also read the pages under the Resources tab of “Before Buying a Puppy from Us”.

Q: Do you guys offer stud services?

A: No, we do not offer any stud services. We personally do not like stud services. Since one is not aware of what the other dog can have. They might have STIs. Yes, STIs are a real part of a dog’s life. Or what if the other dog has fleas. Or what if they have any other health concerns. Too many what ifs to breed a dog. We only breed our females with our males.

“Some angels choose fur instead of wings.”- Anonymous