We have different services when it comes to how you will pick up your Husky or Doberman puppy. One of the services is delivering the puppy. This is different from shipping. Check out the webpage to learn about shipping.
We will personally deliver our Siberian Huskies or Doberman pinschers puppy in the Anderson, South Carolina area, Charlotte, NC area, Sanford, NC area, and surrounding areas to a nearby location, one way, from our home (Shopping center, gas station, etc.).
A travel crate is not included with this option. Our delivery service is based on availability and must be set up ahead of time -preferably several days to a week in advance.

We normally deliver up to 6 hours. However, 2 times we have delivered an adult for more than 6 hours.
- A Doberman Pinscher named Reina was delivered from Anderson, SC 29625 to Rochester Massachusetts 02770 for $1,400.
- A Siberian Husky named Sylas was delivered from Sanford, NC 27330 to Escondido, California 92029 for $3,800.
This option depends on our availability. You will need to inform us before (at least a week) you reserve the puppy. So we may inform you if we will be available. Additionally, we will NOT deliver a puppy if one of our females is giving birth (since we never leave them by themselves). Therefore if this happens, we will inform you we will not be able to deliver the puppy that day. The family can proceed with either option (1) pick up the puppy from our house. (2) wait until we are available to deliver the puppy.
To use this option. the full balance must be paid before we drive the puppy to the meeting point.
The fees can change based on our availability. Therefore, if you are interested in this pickup option, please contact us first.
I hope this post has answered your questions about delivery. As always God bless and Go Tigers!
Keyword: delivering, husky, Doberman, puppy, NC, SC, WV