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Calypso’s Information:

Weight: 50 lbs

Height: 20 1/2 inches

Type of Coat: Plush

Color: Black/white (diluted)

Eye Color: Blue


  • Alert
  • Active
  • Affectionate
  • Agile
  • Friendly
  • Intelligent
  • Joyful
  • Gentle

Health Exams:

  • Checked by the vet: Healthy

Fun Facts:

  • Award: Italy’s Mother Favorite Doggie


The requirement to buy a puppy from us is having knowledge about the breed, filled out the questionnaire, and also read the pages under the Resources tab of “Before Buying a Puppy from Us”.

Q: What is the difference between limited and Full AKC registration?

A: Limited Registration means pet only. Thus you can not use the pup/dog for breeding (offspring of a dog with “Limited” AKC is not eligible for AKC Registration). Your puppy/dog can still be registered with the AKC (American Kennel Club). The puppy is still eligible for some show events if you decide you want to show your dog.

“Full” AKC is just like it sounds, the puppy/dog is eligible for all AKC Breed show events and its offspring can be registered with the AKC when it is bred with another dog of the same breed that is also registered with “Full” AKC reg.

Our puppies are strictly pet only. As stated in the AKC registration papers and a legal agreement written by our attorney.

Once we find out one of our puppies have been bred, the adopter is liable for $1,000 per puppy whelped, all our court costs, and forfeits the ownership of the puppy, where we will take the puppy back.


“Dogs die. But dogs live, too. Right up until they die, they live. They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us, and make our lives a little brighter, and they don’t waste time being afraid of tomorrow.” – Dan Gemeinhart